Once an American author, Napoleon Hill said, “ If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way ”. While remembering his words we came across a man who resembles that of the small contributions he made to change the life of people around him. The Ironman, as we decided to call him, not only for the profession he was in but also for the sheer iron grit exhibited by him to overcome extreme odds and lead an exemplary life of a true Indian. Yes, we are talking about Mr. Kaif Khan who hails from Subhashgram, living in a nondescript locality called Rajpur in the Indian State of West Bengal. Since birth, he has not left his small village where he still lives with his mother, elder brother, younger sister, his wife and three sons (6 to 9 years of age). At his teens, he had to abandon his studies due to the paralysis of his father. The responsibility of being the only 'bread earner' fell upon him - a daunting task for a 17-year-old kid. His belief in his abi...