
Showing posts from January, 2020


Did you know that in the Middle Ages wearing stripe shirts was a perilous act!! This was elaborated in the book ‘ The Devil’s Cloth: A History of Stripes ’ written by Michel Pastoureau where he recounts the horrifying story of a cobbler in North French where he was condemned to death as he was spotted with stripped clothes. These stripes cloth was worn basically by the socially deprived people such as prostitutes, cripples, jugglers or clowns. Later in the 20 th century, in many of the American states, many begun to abolish the notion of the stripes that were created in the Middle Ages and this was marked as undesirable. The series of lines which does not cross each other and which goes parallels one after the other is termed as Stripes. They're even accented with colored thread to make for a more tumultuous look great for casual settings but unlikely to work in the office. Let’s have a look at the types of stripes that are uniquely famous in their own...

Know Your Shirt Collar

A COLLAR is the ultimate portion which gets extremely noticed when you suit  up. Attractive dress shirts for men arrive with various collars, and like anything you need to get the ones that serves you best. Do you often wear a tie? Try prioritizing a forward point collar (less than 35 degrees)  to better complement the look. Straight collar can be utilized for extending the face for getting a sharp look who’s  having a round face.   It is preferable with a tie and a suit. This ensures that the collar  stays crisp and hard. Know more about Mandarin Collar:  Go casual in a relaxed mood with Mandarin Collar. The Mandarin collar is also known  as Korean, Chinese or Nehru Collar. The US Army’s Army combat uniform has  intensely populated the concept of Mandarin collar.  The Mandarin collar heads back to the kings and aristocrats which allowed them to  we...

Know Your Colour Tone

  Find The Right Shirt Colour For Your Skin Tone. Light Skin with Light Hair- Tan Skin with dark Hair- Dark Skin with Dark hair- Light Skin with Dark Hair- Colour and complexion are what most man lacks in paying attention. But in this 21 st  century why not try som ething different and take a step ahead to pick up the shirts for men in colours that will best suit your skin tone. In the mid-19th century, Austrian explorer Felix Von Luschan came up with 36 different skin tones with which to classify humans.  That's pretty complicated! Alan Flusser made it easy for all guys to get – it's all about contrast. What does this mean? For a lot of men , it's about how your hair looks against your skin tone. If you're pale with dark hair, generally North Indian and fair-complexioned men - then you have a high contrast look, which means you'd benefit from richer and fuller colours. Comp...

The Story of Transformation behind IC-SURE by CREDO

The Story of Transformation behind  IC-SURE by CREDO                                                                                                                                                                                   Passion resides in every human being but it needs a lot of perseverance to bring that to reality. CREDO has found a unique opportunity to train the urban and rural poor in the art of commercial garment manufacturing specialized in tailoring of shirts for men . Bespoke tailors and cutter masters have been a...